Queen Esther

Esther (HEB. “Star”) ⭐ was a Jewish orphan who lived in exile scattered around Persia whilst her home city of Jerusalem was in a constant state of war. After King Ahasuerus had his wife killed due to her refusal to obey his commands, he ordered that the most beautiful women be brought to him so that he could select a new wife. Esther, being a beautiful and upright Jewish girl did not want to attach herself to a controlling gentile leader, but her uncle Mordecai convinced her that God would use her in this. After being selected as Queen of Persia, Esther found herself in a trialing situation after hearing of plans to massacre the Jewish people. In her fear and deliberation, her uncle Mordecai said to her “For if you remain silent at this time, relief and deliverance for the Jews will arise from another place but you and your father’s family will perish. Perhaps this is the moment for which you were created” (Est 4:14). Despite the concern in knowing King Ahasuerus’ raging temperament, Esther, prayed and fasted. She then spoke up and revealed herself as a Jew, expressing her distress for the plans of attack on her people. In doing so, the King’s response was in her favour and he ceased such plans and executed those whom created them. Despite the unfortunate and unholy circumstance Esther was placed in, God used her in the midst of it all.

Author: Rose Gibson


Saint Joan of Arc