Blessed Pier Giorgio Frasatti

Born in 1901 into a wealthy and influential family, to a nominal Catholic mother and agnostic father, Blessed Pier Giorgio Frassati would grow to become the good-looking, cigar smoking, pool-playing, poor-serving, prankster.⁠

In 1918 Frassati would begin his studies in engineering, join several Catholic Student groups and begin service with the Saint Vincent de Paul society, where he spent much of his time helping the poor and less fortunate. His social status granted him greater freedom in aiding others who needed it most. Upon his graduation, Frassati's father offered him the choice of a car or a sizable fund - of which he chose the latter so he could distribute it to the poor. His charitable outreach knew no bounds, Frassati provided a bed for a tuberculosis sufferer as well as supporting the three children of an ill widow and finding a place for an evicted woman to live.⁠

You may think that Frassati sounds super holy and unrelatable (you're wrong - he's actually so relatable) but he once created a group called the Tipi Loschi Society, which translates to "The Shady Characters". The group, made up of some of his closest mates, had a formal stature (which was incredibly tongue in cheek) and outlined things such as their motto "Few but good like macaroni" and a completely made-up patron saint "St. Pece of the Fools". Members were also forbidden to do particular things, such as import pepper and certain insects. Blessed Frassati was also known for casual gambling over a game of Pool (scandalous, I know) however if he won, the loser would have to attend mass or Eucharistic Adoration with him (not so scandalous). On the 1st of July 1925 Frassati was diagnosed with Poliomyelitis, which he contracted through his charitable work, 3 days later, at only 24 years old, Frassati sighed his final words "May I breathe forth my soul in peace with you", before he slipped away to eternal rest. While expecting many of his friends to attend his funeral, Frasatti's family was in shock at the thousands of mourners who lined the streets to pay their respects and honour the kindness and service of their son. In 1981 Frasstis remains were found to be incorrupt.


Saint Josemaria Escrevia


Saint Maria Goretti